Crypto Circle 2024

22 MAI PwC PwC's Experience Center, Birchstrasse 160, 8050 Zürich
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Event PwC Crypto Circle 2024 header

Détails de l'évènement

Détails de l'évènement
Start At: mai 22, 2024 17:00 Uhr
A déjà eu lieu
PwC's Experience Center, Birchstrasse 160, 8050 Zürich
Audit / services financiers

Discover the potential of Tokenization of Real World Assets

Join us for an insightful exploration into the transformative trend of Tokenization of Real World Assets. Discover the potential it has to revolutionize asset ownership and investment, breaking down barriers and increasing accessibility.

You'll not only gain a deeper understanding of Tokenization of Real World Assets but also understand what the current obstacles for further adoption are. From regulatory challenges to tax implications and accounting considerations, we'll provide important takeaways from multiple perspectives to help you navigate this evolving landscape.

But that's not all. Discover the role of a layer 1 blockchain and witness a live demonstration of Tokenization of Real World Assets with the Cardano Foundation and NMKR. Plus, listen to Splint Invest's experience and goals with fractionalizing and tokenizing Real World Assets, gaining valuable insights from one of Europe’s leading B2B2C fintech platform.

Register now to secure your spot in this forward-thinking discussion. 

Programme and topics

4.45pmDoor opening
5.00pm      Welcome message
5.05pmFireside chat: Pulse of the market
- PwC (Mark Hussey & Dario Orteca)
- Guest speakers from Cardano Foundation, NMKR and Splint Invest
5.20pmUse cases: Spotlight on challenges and solutions

- Jean-Claude Spillmann
- Silvan Thoma
- Martin Burri
Accounting & Audit:
- Bastian Stolzenberg
- Nicolas Memmishofer
5.50pmCardano Foundation & NMKR
The role of a layer 1 blockchain and live demonstration
6.20pmSplint Invest
Blockchain, Swiss law and the needs of retail investors 
6.40pmApéro riche & Networking