Career Starter

The Swiss career guide for students

The Swiss career guide "Career Starter" is the most widely read guide for Swiss students and graduates who want to get started in the professional world and are looking for tips on how to do so.


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Your perfect career start

What are my characteristics, competencies, experience and interests?
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Regions / sectors
Regions / sectors
In which region do I want to live, study and / or work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different sectors?
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Employers / Universities
Employers / Universities
Which employers / universities are there that meet my criteria in terms of regions and sectors?
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Job profiles / study programs
Job profiles / study programs
What job profiles & degree programs are there?
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Reality check
Reality check
Does my heart really beat faster at the thought of the most popular employers and their job profiles?
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How do I produce convincing advertising materials?
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Selection process
Selection process
What should be taken into account in the interview, at the assessment centre and during salary negotiations?
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Regionen im Fokus

Stellenprofile / Studiengänge

Career Starter

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