How to pay for college without losing your head

Here are some simple tips on how to master financing your studies.

  • September 04, 2023
  • 2 Min. reading time

The new semester is knocking on the door. Books are piling up, class schedules are getting fuller and bank accounts are.... well, emptier. Don't panic, here are some simple tips on how to master financing your studies.

Before you do anything else, sit down and create an accurate budget. Write down how much money you need for rent, food, study materials and also for your free time. An accurate budget will give you the overview you need. Because if you know your expenses, you'll know how much money you need to earn.

Scholarships and loans: Get informed!

There is no BAföG in Switzerland, but depending on the canton, there are a number of scholarships and loans available to you. This may sound complicated, but it really pays to invest time in research. Sometimes the requirements for scholarships are less strict than you think. And don't forget, there are also private foundations that support students. Check out our partner EDUCA SWISS.

Part-time jobs: Your time is valuable

A part-time job can be a good option, but remember that even studying is already a full-time job. Make sure to find something that fits your schedule. On-campus work or online jobs can be especially flexible.

Family and friends: a supportive network

Sometimes help is closer than you think. Family and friends might be willing to support you financially. It doesn't always have to be a lot; small contributions can add up to big help. Don't be too proud to reach out. Often, those around you only want the best for you.

Be creative: your talents are worth money

The online world offers you many opportunities to make money. If you're good at writing, why not start a blog? Are you particularly skilled in a subject? Online tutoring not only helps others, but also your bank account. Plus, there are an incredible number of options today to make a chunk of extra money with social media. Your skills can be more than just a hobby. Use the web as a platform to generate an additional source of income.

Many students face the same challenges. But with thoughtful planning, a clear eye for funding opportunities and a good network, you can make it work. You have more options than you might think. So, take the time, get informed and create your plan. Then nothing will stand in the way of a successful degree.