From studying to working life and how to score points with soft skills

You are at the end of your studies and are looking ahead to the next big step: starting your career.

  • January 29, 2024
  • 3 Min. reading time

You are at the end of your studies and are looking ahead to the next big step: starting your career. This transition is more than just a change from university to everyday working life. You will not only learn how to use your specialised knowledge, but also your personal skills. Here are some tips on how to master this transition and score points in the workplace with soft skills.

First impressions count. A good CV, a strong cover letter and convincing interviews are crucial. Use resources such as career advice and CV checks, which are available free of charge at talendo careers fairs, for example, to optimise your application documents and practise interview techniques. You can also find lots of tips on the application process in the Career Starter guide.

Recruiters are also happy when they realise that you have made an effort with the design. Take a look at websites such as Pinterest and Canva for inspiration or even templates.

If you're not yet sure which company is right for you, internships, student traineeships or volunteer work are excellent ways to gain practical experience. They not only offer insights into the world of work, but also help you to apply and expand the knowledge you have acquired during your studies. Many offers are waiting for you on

Soft skills: the social component

Soft skills are personal and social competences that improve your ability to cooperate and communicate in professional and private contexts. They include emotional intelligence, adaptability and interpersonal skills, which are just as important for success in the world of work as professional qualifications.

These are the most important soft skills for your everyday working life:

  • Communication
    In professional life, it is important to communicate clearly and understandably. This means having the confidence to express your thoughts and ideas and convey them effectively. However, it also means listening and responding to others. Good communication helps to avoid misunderstandings and strengthens cooperation.
  • Teamwork
    In most jobs, you will be part of a team. Show that you are co-operative and can contribute to the common goal. Respect the opinions and skills of your colleagues and be willing to learn from them.
  • Conflict resolution skills
    Conflicts are normal. The important thing is how you deal with it. Stay calm and don't let your emotions get the better of you, listen to both sides and try to find a solution that is acceptable to everyone. Conflict resolution skills show your maturity and commitment to a harmonious working environment.
  • Self-management and organisation
    Effective self-management is crucial. Organise your tasks with to-do lists, for example. Prioritise and meet deadlines. Good time management and the ability to work under pressure are valuable in any position. If it should happen that you are unable to complete a task in the given time, let your line manager know in good time so that there is still enough time to find another solution.
  • Adaptability and willingness to learn
    The world of work is constantly changing. Show that you are flexible and willing to learn new things. Even if changes are often difficult to accept at first, they usually bring improvements in retrospect. Be open and use it as an opportunity for personal and professional development.

As you can see, soft skills play a crucial role in the transition from studying to working life. They complement specialised knowledge and are essential for a successful career. They are also a great advantage in the application process. They enable you to survive in today's dynamic working world and stand out from the competition - good luck!

à Also read this talendo magazine article on the topic of soft skills: Soft skills: the invisible key to success