Finished your studies, now what? How to make a successful start to your professional life

Are you about to graduate and wondering what the transition from university to the working world will be like?

  • October 16, 2023
  • 2 Min. reading time

Are you about to graduate and wondering what the transition from university to the working world will be like? Don't panic! Here are some tips to make this transition as smooth as possible.

You've probably met a lot of people during your studies. These contacts are worth their weight in gold! Get in touch with former fellow students, talk to lecturers and remember the people you met during internships or summer jobs. They can give you valuable insights into different industries, help you find a job or even recommend you.

Gain practical experience

Theory is important, but practice is essential. If you have the opportunity, do more internships or take on a student job. This experience will not only give you a head start in your job search, but will also help you better understand what you really want.

Keep learning

The world is constantly changing, and so is the job market. Stay up to date! There are many online courses, workshops and seminars that can help you enhance your skills and set you apart from other applicants.

Be flexible

Sometimes the path to a career doesn't go exactly as you imagined. And that's okay! It's important to be open to different possibilities. You might discover an industry or a position you hadn't thought of before. Or you might end up in a job that is not 100% what you had in mind. See it as an opportunity! Learn from every situation and use it as a springboard for the next steps in your career. And by the way: You worked hard for your degree and bring a lot of knowledge and skills with you. Be proud of that!

Take advantage of talendo's career events

Wondering where you can make direct contact with companies? At talendo's career events. These events are specifically designed to bring students like you together with potential employers. Not only do you learn more about different industries, but you can also make valuable contacts and find out about current job opportunities. It's an ideal opportunity to clarify questions, introduce yourself and leave a lasting impression:

The step from university into the working world can seem like a leap into cold water. But with the right preparation, an open mind and the will to keep learning, this transition will become an exciting new chapter in your life. Remember that every beginning brings challenges, but also offers countless opportunities.